Thursday, April 1, 2010

Depth of Field

This photo was taken at the Etobicoke Creek and the intention when I took this photo was to play around with depth of field (DOF). DOF refers to the areas of the photograph that remain in focus (anything in front or behind the main focus point). DOF is affected by the aperture (or f-stop). The bigger the aperture (smaller f-number), the more shallow the DOF. This will cause anything in front of or behind the focus point to appear blurred. The smaller the aperture (larger f-number), the greater the DOF. Anything in front of or behind the focus point will also appear sharp. In this photo, the aperture was set to f/5. The range of f-numbers for my camera is f/4.5 - f/29. Since f/5 is a smaller f-number, you can see that the background of the flower (the focus point) is blurred.

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